Wednesday, February 18, 2009

*Brown and Orange*

I met with my new adviser yesterday and she is great! I'm going to take the CSET and by next spring I should have my teaching credential! I'm really excited! I just hope there will be jobs available! California had better get e budget soon!

On the home front, Mat and I have been painting and cleaning like crazy! We finally finished the kitchen and living room. Orange and brown are the colors we used, it looks great! Now its on to the bathrooms! Once we get our tax refund we are going to redo the floors in the bathrooms and kitchen, and when it warms up and dries out we are going to paint the outside of the house. This weekend Mat used round-up on the whole backyard and in a couple weeks we should be grassless. We can't wait to be able to landscape a little! We have sort of a deadline for all of this, at least the inside stuff. I am hosting Mat's sister's bridal shower in March and all of her family will finally get to see the house so hopefully it will be close to done by then!

Our fruit trees have buds! First of all, they are still alive. Yey! And they have buds which means they will bloom soon! This week we finally got to eat something from my tiny winter garden. The baby greens were really good. I guess I had better do some weeding so the carrots, chard and beets can grow!